
CiviCRM: Dedupe Monitor


Eases duplicate detection by performing periodic background scans for duplicate candidates across all contacts, for each appropriately configured Dedupe Rule; duplicate candidate are presented in reviewable batches, which you can then process for merging (or marking as “not duplicates”) as usual with CiviCRM’s merging features.

Who needs it

You might like this if you’ve experienced any of these problems with applying Dedupe Rules to scan for potential duplicate contacts in CiviCRM:

What it does

When you’re not looking, it applies your configured Dedupe Rules against all of your contacts, packages up any identified duplicate contacts into little batches, and alerts you if any are found. It’s careful enough not to lock up your site during these scans, and much more convenient than sitting yourself in front of a screen scanning with each Dedupe Rule against small sub-sets of your contacts.


This extension relies on MariaDB’s MAX_EXECUTION_TIME variable to prevent dedupe scans from locking up the site or otherwise running amok.

Sites running MySQL can use it if they have smaller numbers of contacts. Such a site probably doesn’ have the “dedupe scans are crashing my site” problem, but they may still have the “dedupe scans are tedious and inconvenient” problem, which this extension can relieve.


This extension starts working with sensible defaults automatically upon installation, at the next Scheduled Job run, scanning all contacts against most of the existing Dedupe Rules, and grouping any identified duplicate candidates into small batches for your review.

For a list of all batches of duplicate candidates, navigate to the Batches page at:
Contacts > Find and Merge Duplicate Contacts > Dedupe Monitor > Batches

To process the duplicate candidates in any batch on the Batches page, click the Dedupe link for that batch to open CiviCRM’s native “Find and Merge Duplicate Contacts” screen showing the results of the given Dedupe Rule for that batch of duplicate candidates.

Monitor status dashlet

This extension provides a dashlet titled “Dedupe Monitor Alert”, available for display on the CiviCRM front page. This dashlet will inform you of any batches awaiting review; if no batches currently exist, it will inform you that “You’re all caught up!”



To enable or disable the monitoring of any or all Dedupe Rules, navigate to the Settings page at:
Contacts > Find and Merge Duplicate Contacts > Dedupe Monitor > Settings

The Settings page also includes a few Advanced Settings that you may want to tweak for performance.


The extension is licensed under GPL-3.0.


Support for this extension is handled under Joinery’s “Active Support” policy.

Public issue queue for this extension: